Breastfeeding is a natural activity, but it is also a skill that takes practice. The best way to breastfeed is very important. When a mother and her child become more skilled in breastfeeding techniques that are suitable for them, it usually becomes easier over time. The ideal feeding position minimizes the danger of nipple injury and soreness while allowing the baby to latch onto the breast successfully and comfortably, without exerting too much physical effort. As a child grows and a mother develops her confidence, the ideal breastfeeding position may also change. Everyone has a different preferred position.
Best positions for breastfeeding

Some of the most comfortable and efficient nursing positions, while not all women will find them to be, include:
Cradle hold
The standard breastfeeding position is the cradle hold. The infant eats while resting its tummy against the mother’s body in this position. However, some women find it challenging to master this position while holding a newborn. Furthermore, when they become older, newborns could get too big to maintain this position.
Cross-cradle hold
For newborns, the cross-cradle is typically the optimal latch. Similar to the cradle hold, the mother supports the infant with the arm that isn’t touching the breast that the child is nursing from. Although first challenging to master, this grip gives the mother better control over the baby’s latch. Babies who have trouble getting a deep latch may benefit from this posture.
Reclining or lying back
It encourages a baby’s natural feeding instincts and enables the mother to feed from a cozy, supported posture, which is why this position is frequently referred to as biological nursing. For women with muscle pain, those recovering from surgery or childbirth, or those who need to adjust their position sometimes, the reclining position can be particularly comfortable. Some moms place the baby so that its toes are pointed downward, and it is standing upright. For other women, the baby lying gently on their bent arm is more pleasant.
For women who are recovering from surgery or who are feeding at night because they are tired, sleeping on your side is the best nursing posture. This posture is typically used by women who co-sleep with their baby. For some women, it can be challenging to initially arrange themselves correctly. Small babies may have trouble laying on their sides. While some newborns can more readily reach the breast closest to the bed, others prefer to breastfeed from the top breast. While co-sleeping is common, women who try this position should be aware that most organizations do not advise it. This is particularly true for infants who are at risk of asphyxia and sudden infant death syndrome when they are newborns (SIDS). Eliminating all pillows and blankets from the area around the infant is the safest approach to nurse in a side-lying position.
As a mother and her child establish a habit and bond, the ideal position for nursing may alter over time. Be willing to try out a variety of positions. Even while some postures might feel difficult at first, repetition can make them more natural and comfortable. Women who have difficulty nursing should get assistance right away. The majority of breastfeeding issues can be fixed but taking too long to do so can be difficult and make the mother and baby frustrated.