In the long process of choosing the best server backup services Malaysia, we have often gone from switching from our beloved hard drives to getting cloud storage. It is not the forest and the last time we ditch the old technology for the new one. Every day we are seeing brand innovations to try and the prices keep getting much more accessible to the average consumer. But what happens to all the hard drives that we use and throw?
To put it in modern terms, hard drives become E-waste. E-waste is also known as electronic waste has become a pressing concern in the world in terms of both data security and environmental impact. Hard drives tend to store several large quantities of information and data. It is used in so many electronics and is even external. For example our USD hard drives.

When new technology rolls in and the time comes to throw out the worn-out hard drive, we often forget about the information and data that is held by the system. We dont think about what could happen to the data that is on it and how people can manipulate it in the current generation. There are so many implications to the way we consider hard drive as e-waste and dispose of them properly.
In many countries, hard drives are not exactly allowed to be thrown into our landfills. We certainly agree that a hard drive filled with personal data does not belong in our trash can. Mainly for privacy reasons as well as environmental reasons.
Speaking of the environment, have you wondered how “ungreen” of us it is to dispose of our hard drives in the garbage? Probably not. Hard drives throwing is not like throwing out your food. It does not simply rot away because of age or degrades with soil and whatnot. What it does is rather harmful and can be a potential hazard o many living organisms including ourselves. The hard drive contains toxins that do no good for us if leaked into our garbage, soil, and landfills and much less the ocean. The high content of mercury that is leaked and the space it takes in waste spaces can lead to devastating environmental effects.
So what can you do to throw our your e-waste, the hard drive?
Coming to solutions, one of the best usually happens to be the concept of recycling. We are apprehensive about the idea of a hard drive being recycled since it does contain a lot of information. But today. There are so many places where could safely recycle our hard drives and avoid having to increase the e-waste filling up the landfill.
Did you also know that there are effective ways to properly completely and utterly grind the drive and smash it? But this is not something we can do in our homes. It is done carefully with consideration to data security concerns. HArd drives are meticulous with our data and professionals know better on how to effectively recycle or destroy a hard drive.